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Important Facts
About Crimping

Time Line for Crimp                              MS3191-4 also introduced the use of        Specifications state the requirements 	
Technology                                    the double tipped indenter to produce 	       in terms of millivolt drop at a designated
                                              an eight indent crimp pattern which has       current.
1940s	 All terminations were soldered         consistently achieved superior tensile pull
           (Hard-wired)                       off values.                                      The mechanical strength of a crimped
                                                                                            joint and hence its pull-out force (tensile
1953	 AMP introduced Crimp                       MS3191-4 introduced the concept of         strength), varies with the deformation
           Barrel Terminals                   a turret head containing three locators       applied. Therefore, by properly shaping
                                              which could be used without separating        the deformation a high pull-out force can
1957	 Cannon Brothers experimented            any of them from the basic crimp tool.        be achieved, i.e. the crimp die of the tool
           with Machined Contacts with                                                      determines the crimp configuration and
           Crimp Barrels                         In 1969 two military specifications for    deformation.
                                              crimp tools were developed to replace
1960	 Buchanan introduced the                 the existing military drawings. They were        The dies in the tool determine the 	
           4 Indent Crimp Tool with a         MIL-T-22520C (Navy) and MIL-T-83724           completed crimp configuration which 	
           Ratchet (Ref: MS3191)              (USAF) which defined a standard size          is generally an element of contact and/
                                              crimp tool similar to the MS3191-4, but       or connector design. Some of the design
1963	 MS3191-1 was published as the           with an expanded eight step crimp depth       considerations are: a) The type of contact,
            first Crimp Tool Standard.        range. These specifications also defined a    its size, shape, material and function, 	
                                              miniature crimp tool to crimp conductors      b) The type and size of wires to be
1965	 MS3191-4 introduced by                  as small as AWG 32.                           accommodated, c) The type of tooling 	
            Daniels Manufacturing Corp.                                                     into which the configuration must be built.
                                                 Both documents were combined in 	
1969	 MIL-T-22520 published 	                 1971 into MIL-C-22520D. All previous 	          Eight Indent
            and dated to replace all          military standards for crimp tools were
            previous specifications           then cancelled including the MS3191.            Four Indent
                                              This list includes specifications for indent
1974	 Changed to MIL-C-22520,                 crimp tools, terminal lug crimp tools,          Two Indent
            and many Slash Sheets added       pneumatic tools, coaxial cable crimp tools
                                              and connector service kits.                     Hexagonal Crimp
1996	 Changed to MIL-DTL-22520   
2010	 Changed to AS22520                         MIL-DTL-22520 established a single           Circular Crimp
                                              specification which set forth performance
CRIMPING: THEN AND NOW                        requirements for all crimp tools to be used     B Crimp
                                              on military standard electrical connectors.
   The first multi-pin connectors were        This eliminated the waste and confusion         Nest & Indent Crimp
terminated by soldering the conductor to      which accompanied the overlapping appli-
non-removable contacts. However, high         cations of many different “standard” crimp      Captive Crimp
temperature applications and the need for     tools called out by a deluge of unrelated
simple and reliable field service led to the  military drawings.                              Insulation Displacement
introduction of connectors with removable
contacts. These were crimped onto the         THE CRIMPING CONCEPT                                                                             PAGE 1
conductor rather than being soldered.
                                                 Crimping is a method of firmly
   The first standard crimp tool developed    attaching a terminal or contact end to an
to crimp these new contacts was intro-        electrical conductor by pressure forming
duced in the early sixties. MS3191-1, 	       or reshaping a metal barrel together
a military drawing, defined this tool and 	   with the conductor. The forming of a
its accessories. The MS3191-1 utilized 	      satisfactory crimp depends on the correct
a four indent crimp pattern together with 	   combination of conductor, crimp barrel
a positive stop locator which controlled      and tool.
the travel of the indenters (crimp depth).
                                                 When applied with a properly matched
   The MS3191-1 design was a compro-          tool, a union is established which has
mise between simplicity of operation and      both good electrical and mechanical
crimp performance since the crimp depth       characteristics. The tool will provide these
for any given contact was not adjustable      requirements consistently and reliably
to accommodate the differing diameters        with repeatability assured by quality cycle
of the conductors to which it would be        controlled tooling. There are several
crimped. It was, however, suitable for the    common configurations of crimped joint;
crimp connectors of that era.                 several examples are shown below.

   An improved tool design featuring             The electrical resistance of a properly
independently adjustable crimp depths         designed and controlled crimped joint
was soon introduced as MS3191-4. The          should be equal to, or less than, the
MS3191-4 had an internal adjustment,          resistance of an equal section of wire.	
totally independent of the locator, which
permitted the selection of seven separate             
crimp depths, allowing optimal crimping 	
of conductors ranging from AWG 12 to 	                
26 regardless of the wire barrel size of 	
the contact.                                                 +7 (495) 668-13-58

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